Begonia maculata

Begonia maculata

Begonia maculata

AED125.00 ex.VAT

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AED125.00 ex.VAT

Pot: Default Nursery Plastic Pot

Size: approximately 30-35cm (+ or – 10% including the pot)


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Begonia maculata

Clothed in long and pointed olive green leaves, which have a reddish reverse, but are freckled with silver spots on the upper surface. This creates a really colourful effect, which is accentuated further by the sprays of small pink flowers, which may appear from spring to autumn.

  • Position: bright but indirect light
  • Soil: good potting compost
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Hardiness: tender (indoors only)


  • Pot : Default Nursery Plastic Pot


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