Caladium Calypso

Caladium Calypso

AED60.00 ex.VAT

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AED60.00 ex.VAT




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Caladium Calypso

Caladiums are amazing foliage plants with colorful leaves that have absolutely no frost tolerance.

  • Can you grow Caladium plants indoors? The plant’s special needs make using Caladiums as indoor plants rather challenging. However, a few tips on how to care for Caladium indoors might see you enjoying the attractive leaves for a bit longer than outdoor grown tubers. Moving your Caladium inside will save the tubers for spring growth and can possibly extend the foliar season
  • Mimicking the plant’s native conditions is key to successfully introducing the plant to the home interior. Keeping the humidity high in a heated home may be done with misting and by placing a saucer filled with pebbles and water under the container. The evaporation will moisten the ambient air and provide the humidity necessary for your Caladium. Keep your plant away from heating vents which will blow dry air and drafty windows or doors.