Cascabela thevetia

thevetia peruviana

Cascabela thevetia

AED35.00 ex.VAT

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AED35.00 ex.VAT

Height: 80-100 cm

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Cascabela thevetia (Thevetia peruviana) native throughout Mexico and in Central America, and cultivated widely as an ornamental. It is a relative of Nerium oleander, giving it a common name yellow oleander, and is also called lucky nut in the West Indies.

Cascabela thevetia is an evergreen tropical shrub or small tree. Its leaves are willow-like, linear-lanceolate, and glossy green in color. They are covered in waxy coating to reduce water loss (typical of oleanders). Its stem is green turning silver/gray as it ages. Flowers bloom from summer to fall. The long funnel-shaped sometimes-fragrant yellow (less commonly apricot, sometimes white) flowers are in few-flowered terminal clusters.

Cascabela thevetia is commonly known as Kaneir or Kaner in Hindi language in India. It is effectively drought resistant and tolerant to high temperatures, hence found in various states of India like Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh where semi arid climate is prevalent.

Max Height: 2-4 m

Spread: 1-3 m

Common Name: Thevetia

Drought Tolerance: High

Sun Tolerance: High

Wind Tolerance: High

Water Requirement: Low

Pest Tolerance: High

Disease Tolerance: High

Growth Rate: Fast


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