- Description
Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill-Bromeliad Air Plant
Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill is a high valued ornamental Air Plant.
- This variety of Air Plant is vibrant on look, with a bright pink coloured flowering bract that resembles an old-fashioned quill. Most Air plants don’t have roots, but in case of Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill, the roots are primarily used to anchor the plants in place. They can be grown in a pot, or pinned, glued or tied onto a mount, such as twisted pieces of wood or a large seashell.
Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill is an easy to care Air plant.
- They thrive well when kept in presence of full sunlight. Water them moderately. There should be a well-drained mix of potting soil and orchid bark. They can be cultivated at room temperature, all year round, but do love winter temperatures of minimum 15 degree Celsius. In terms of feeding, use any organic fertilizers.
It contains Medicinal values too.
- Tillandsia Cyanea Pink Quill is extremely protective and constructive and can be used externally, treating burns, sunburns and on varieties of skin diseases such as psoriasis, pruritus, acne and eczema.
It’s a Pet-friendly plant.
- None of its parts is toxic and could be planted or placed around children or pets with no worry.